Orders that have been processed and shipped can be tracked using the consignment/tracking number on the shipping agency’s website. Once your order is shipped, we will mail you your tracking number and tracking link of the same along with information about the shipping agency.
In the event of Non-Availability on Delivery, our delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package three times before they return it to us. Please provide the complete & accurate shipping address including pin code and a mobile number. This will help us in delivering your order faster. We do understand that you may miss one attempt of delivery and we will check with you before they attempt again. In case there hasn’t been any delivery attempt made we will for a voice note from your end saying
We urge you to inform us if you are not available after placing an order on our website for international as well as domestic orders. Please check our delivery timeline after you place an order on our website and if you are not available during that period kindly inform us on info@quiltavenue.com or send us a Whatsapp message on +91 9284924722 about the same so that we can delay your shipment and send it only after you are available. In case a shipment reaches you and you are not available and the shipping company returns the shipment, no cancellation or refund is possible. For re-shipping of the same shipment you will need to bear the cost of shipping again. In such a scenario there would also be a considerable delay involved.